Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My dearest sweetgrowing love

Angela my heart is with you i know you'll treat it with kindness and understanding. It is my intention too. See that my Anger is form another source not directed at you. It was jealous. it is now faded to black into the nothingness. Never ito you. We hope it grows too as does me and you . We hope it see's love is not possessing, but blossoming like flowers in the morning due. These many years apart inthe phyiscal have left some scars i know your healing touch will one day make all things new.Ronald Lee Vaught-this is not a role play it is life it is time precious and true. Time i would rather be spending sharing the moments in graditude. For what else is there but love and the moments people share with each other. This is the real memories of life.And so it is. guide me to you and you to me asap!I live in los angeles as of 06/009 i wont leave my body in ascention without you angela. but i am leaveing my body in astral travels in learning to navigate and be in full control of my journeys, in the real earth world not some holograhm.Ronald Lee Vaught aka RamZen Venus Ananda